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lista nasion Aloe, Haworthia etc

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lista nasion Aloe, Haworthia etc
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Post lista nasion Aloe, Haworthia etc
Alsterworthi International Seed List 2008

10% discount for cactus nurseries (only for orders with packets of 100-1000 seeds).
“NEW!” = new to this list, not necessarily a new species.
JL Numbers (e.g. : JL84106) and those which are shown # are habitat collected seed or seed from collected plants. Others are only accession numbers.
† = limited quantity
No refunds. Please list substitutes. If you do not list substitutes payment must be by Visa/MasterCard so we can charge only for seeds supplied - Card no, exp date, name on card.

All prices are in Euros (€)
0.75 Euros per standard packet of 20-30 seeds, less for rarer species or if only available in small quantity = †.
1.50 Euros per packet for rarer species and CITES species at the end of the list.
1.80 Euros per packet 50 & 100 seeds (minimum)
6 Euros per packet 1000 seeds (minimum)
24 Euros per packet 500 & 10.000 seeds (minimum)
+6 Euros POSTAGE & HANDLING for the EU
+10 Euros non-EU
(Order of +100 Euros: also add 5 Euros for certificated mail )

Please include your payment with your order.
Seeds will be despatched when payment is received. Thank you.

NOTE. Please do not ask if some seeds are available or not, it takes a lot of time to answer questions.
We need that time to prepare orders. Thank you !
Phytosanitary and Cites documentation cannot be provided for seeds.

ALBUCA (Liliaceae)
L08-1. Albuca cooperi JL DSCF3124 (Carolusberg, RSA)# (also 50 seeds)
L08-2. Albuca praetermissa JL DSCF3968 (Khamieskroon, RSA)# (also 50 seeds)
L08-3. Albuca sp aff. altissima JAA260 (E. Khamieskroon, RSA)#

ALOE (Liliaceae) (See Lomatophyllum at end of list)
L08-4. Aloe abyssinica JL73+PR (also 50/500 seeds)
L08-5. †Aloe aculeata JL74
L08-6. Aloe affinis JL75
L08-7. Aloe africana COR (also 50/500 seeds)
L08-8. Aloe (Chamaealoe) albiflora JL78 CITES1 (artificially propagated)
L08-9. Aloe alooides COR (also 50/500 seeds)
L08-10. Aloe andongensis JL5960 ( Kenya)# (also 50 seeds)
L08-11. Aloe ankabarensis JL79 (also 50/500 seeds) NEW SPECIES
L08-12. Aloe arborescens cv. JL968
L08-13. Aloe aristata JL82 hardy to –10°C
L08-14. Aloe asperifolia AJ (Khorixas, Namibia)#
L08-15. Aloe asperifolia AJ (Outjo, Namibia)# (also 50 seeds)
L08-16. Aloe bakeri JL84 (also 50 seeds)
L08-17. Aloe barbadensis (= see A. vera)
L08-18. Aloe bellatula JL85+PR CITES1 (artificially propagated) (also 50 seeds)
L08-19. Aloe branddraaiensis AJ (Branddraai, Transvaal)# (also 50 seeds)
L08-20. Aloe brevifolia JL87 (also 50/500 seeds)
L08-21. Aloe brevifolia v. depressa JL934 (also 50 seeds)
L08-22. Aloe broomii COR (also 50 seeds)
L08-23. Aloe buhrii KV+COR (also 50/500 seeds)
L08-24. Aloe bulbillifera v. pauliana PR (Madagascar)#
L08-25. Aloe cameronii v. dedzana AJ (also 50/500 seeds)
Aloe camperi: see Aloe eru
L08-26. Aloe capitata PR
L08-27. Aloe capitata v. gneissicola COR (also 50 seeds)
L08-28. †Aloe capitata v. quartziticola JL974
L08-29. Aloe castanea GC (also 50 seeds)
L08-30. Aloe chabaudii JL962 et al. (also 50/500 seeds)
L08-31. Aloe ciliaris GC+PR (also 50 seeds)
L08-32. Aloe claviflora REY (South Africa)#+PR (also 50 seeds)
L08-33. †Aloe commixta JL DSCF4143 (ex Worcester)#
L08-34. Aloe comosa KV (also 50 seeds)
L08-35. NEW! Aloe compressa v. schistophila JAA (Madagascar)#
L08-36. Aloe comptonii JL91+BUG (also 50/500 seeds)
L08-37. Aloe conifera JL738
L08-38. Aloe cremnophila JL93 (also 50/500 seeds)
L08-39. Aloe cryptopoda JCD
L08-40. Aloe X delaetii JL95 (also 50/500 seeds)
L08-41. Aloe deltoideodonta JAA
L08-42. Aloe deltoideodonta v. candicans JCD
L08-43. Aloe desertii JL98
L08-44. Aloe dhufarensis COR
L08-45. Aloe dichotoma JAA228 (Upington)+REY+KV (SWA)#
L08-46. Aloe dichotoma JAA453 (Gamsberg Crater, RSA)#
L08-47. Aloe distans JL767 (also 50 seeds)
L08-48. Aloe divaricata JAA734 (N. Tulear, Madagascar)#
L08-49. NEW! Aloe dorotheae JL
L08-50. Aloe dumetorum JL100 (Kenya)# (also 50/500 seeds)
L08-51. Aloe dyeri JCD ex AJ98
Do you want to know how the plants look? No problems, get the Cactaceae & Succulentae Encyclopaedia DVD
L08-52. Aloe elegans JCD
L08-53. Aloe ellenbeckii x greatheadii JAA
L08-54. NEW! †Aloe eru (= A. camperi) JL
L08-55. Aloe falcata KV
L08-56. Aloe ferox KHE+MB (also 50/500 seeds)
L08-57. Aloe ferox JAA269 (near Stormulei, RSA)#
L08-58. NEW! †Aloe fleurentinorum PR
L08-59. Aloe fosteri JL106 (also 50/500 seeds)
L08-60. Aloe gariepensis JL3309 (Umdaus, RSA)# (also 50 seeds)
L08-61. Aloe gariepensis REY+PR (Orange River, South Africa)# (also 50 seeds)
L08-62. Aloe gariepensis JAA249 (Beauvallon, Richtersveld)#
L08-63. Aloe gariepensis JAA608 (Warmbad, Namibia)#
L08-64. Aloe globuligemma JCD+KHE (also 50/500 seeds)
L08-65. Aloe graminicola exNakuru JL83/1 (spots “chromosomiques”, cespiteux, compact (Kenya)# (also 50/500 seeds) Joël Lodé introduction
L08-66. Aloe grandidentata JL110 et al. (also 50/500 seeds)
L08-67. Aloe greatheadii PR+JAA (also 50 seeds)
L08-68. Aloe greenii JL111 (also 50 seeds)
L08-69. Aloe helenae JCD CITES 1 (also 50/500 seeds)
L08-70. Aloe hereroensis JL101 (also 50/500 seeds)
L08-71. Aloe hereroensis JAA227 (150 km E. Upington)#
L08-72. Aloe hereroensis AJ (Zarishoogte, Namibia)# (also 50 seeds)
L08-73. Aloe humilis JL113+COR (also 50/500 seeds)
L08-74. Aloe imalotensis COR (also 50 seeds)
L08-75. NEW! †Aloe inexpectata PR
L08-76. Aloe jucunda JL114+GX (possible par 50 seeds)
L08-77. Aloe karasbergensis AG+COR (also 50 seeds)
L08-78. Aloe khamiesensis JL3114+JAA614 (Carolusberg, RSA)# (also 50/500 seeds)
L08-79. Aloe khamiesensis JL3800 (Okiep, RSA)# (also 50 seeds)
L08-80. Aloe khamiesensis JL3942 (S. Steinkopf, RSA)# (50/500 seeds)
L08-81. Aloe kilifiensis Lavr.12298 (Kilifi, Kenya)# (also 50 seeds)
L08-82. Aloe krapohliana BUG+COR (in-situ, RSA)# (also 50/500 seeds)
L08-83. Aloe krapohliana JAA569 (E.Lloinggras,RSA)#
L08-84. Aloe laeta COR (also 50/500 seeds)
L08-85. Aloe littoralis AJ (S. Etosha, Namibia)# (also 50/500 seeds)
L08-86. Aloe longistyla COR (also 50 seeds)
L08-87. Aloe macrosiphon J.Miller
L08-88. Aloe maculata AJ (RSA)# (also 50/500 seeds)
L08-89. Aloe marlothii KHE (clone magnifique fl. oranges) (also 100/1000/10.000 seeds)
L08-90. Aloe marlothii JCD (also 50 seeds)
L08-91. Aloe marlothii JL119 (also 50 seeds)
L08-92. NEW! †Aloe mawei PR
L08-93. NEW! †Aloe mcloughlinii JL ONLY ONE PACKET!
L08-94. Aloe melanacantha REY (South Africa)# (also 50/500 seeds)
L08-95. Aloe melanacantha JL3808 (Rd Springbok-Kleinzee, RSA)# (also 50 seeds)
L08-96. Aloe melanacantha JL3839 (N. Kommagas, RSA)# (also 50 seeds)
L08-97. Aloe microstigma JL121et al. (also 50/500/5000 seeds)
L08-98. Aloe microstigma JAA266+549 (Worcester, RSA)#
L08-99. Aloe microstigma JAA648 (Karrooport, RSA)# (also 50/500 seeds)
L08-100. Aloe millotii JL122+JCD (also 50 seeds)
L08-101. Aloe mudenensis AJ (Muden, Natal, RSA)# (also 50/500/ 5000 seeds)
L08-102. Aloe munchii J. Miller
L08-103. Aloe mutabilis PR
L08-104. Aloe ngobitensis GC
L08-105. Aloe niehburiana JL127 (Al Barh, Yemen)#+JAA (also 50/500 seeds)
L08-106. Aloe ortholopha COR (Zimbabwe) (50/500 seeds)
L08-107. Aloe parvibracteata AJ
L08-108. Aloe parvula JL5900 et al. CITES 1 (also 50 seeds)
L08-109. Aloe peglerae DS (also 50/500 seeds)
L08-110. Aloe pictifolia J.Miller+PG
L08-111. Aloe plicatilis COR
L08-112. Aloe pluridens COR (also 50/500 seeds)
L08-113. Aloe pratensis J.Miller
L08-114. Aloe pretoriensis COR
L08-115. Aloe rauhii JL132 (Madagascar)# CITES1 (artificially propagated) (also 50/500 seeds)
L08-116. Aloe reynoldsii JL999 (also 50/500 seeds)
L08-117. †Aloe cf. rigens Lavr.232602 (N. Somalia)#
L08-118. NEW! †Aloe rubroviolacea PR
L08-119. Aloe aff. rubroviolacea ? NK
L08-120. Aloe sabaea PEL+JL134 (Karia, Yemen)# (aso 50/500 seeds)
L08-121. Aloe saponaria JL136 et al. (also 50 seeds)
L08-122. Aloe secundiflora JL125 (Aloe grey, superb spines) (Namanga, Kenya)# (also 50/500 seeds) RARE Introduction in by Cactus- Aventures
L08-123. Aloe sinkatana JL137+PR (small, f. yellow) (also 50/500 seeds)
L08-124. †Aloe somaliensis JL975
L08-125. Aloe spectabilis KV (also 50 seeds)
L08-126. Aloe speciosa COR (also 50/500 seeds)
L08-127. Aloe spicata PR
L08-128. Aloe striata JL128 et al. (also 50/500/5000 seeds)
L08-129. Aloe suarezensis JAA668+BUG+PR (Montagne des Français, Diego Suarez, Madagascar)#
L08-130. NEW! †Aloe suarezensis JAA884 (Cap d'Ambre, Madagascar)#
L08-131. Aloe succotrina JL140 (possible par 50 seeds)
L08-132. †Aloe suprafoliata JCD
L08-133. Aloe tenuior JAA
L08-134. Aloe thraskii PEL+JCD+PR (Mkambuki, Natal)# (also 50/500 seeds)
L08-135. Aloe tugenensis aff. ? JL141 (not spotted, not cespiteux), (Nakuru, Kenya)# (also 50/500 seeds) découverte J. L.
L08-136. Aloe umfoloziensis JL143 (also 50 seeds)
L08-137. Aloe vaombe GO+BUG +JCD+PR (Madagascar)# (also 50/500 seeds)
L08-138. Aloe vaombe JAA (W. Behara, Madagascar)#
L08-139. Aloe vaombe JAA (E. Tranoroa, Madagascar)#
L08-140. Aloe variegata JL144 (also 50/500 seeds)
L08-141. Aloe vera (= A.barbadensis) JL67
L08-142. NEW! †Aloe vera var. PA
L08-143. NEW! †Aloe vera aff. fl. rouges JL
L08-144. Aloe zebrina JL139 (Kalahari 1978, Botswana)# (also 50 seeds)
L08-145. Aloe sp Nakuru JL76/2 sp. nova (also 50/500 seeds) discovered by Joël Lodé, not described yet.
L08-146. Aloe aff. dawei AJ (fl. jaunes)
L08-147. Aloe aff. globuligemma KHE (alo 50/500 seeds)
L08-148. Aloe aff. greenwayi AJ (Tanzania)# fl. yellow also 50/500 seeds)
L08-149. Aloe sp KHE (also 50 seeds)
L08-150. Aloe descoingsii X rauhii JL97 (superb hybrid!) (also 50/500 seeds)
L08-151. Aloe globuligemma X variegata JAA (also 50 seeds)
L08-152. Aloe Xspinosissima (= humilis x arborescens) JCD
L08-153. Aloe striata x saponaria JCD
L08-154. †Aloe sp ress. sabaea JL
L08-155. †Aloe x bolleyi X parvula JAA
L08-156. Aloe globuligemmaXvariegata BUG (also 50/500 seeds)
L08-157. Aloe x jacksonii GX
L08-158. Aloe jucunda x humilis GX (also 50 seeds)
L08-159. Aloe jucunda x variegata GX

ASPHODELUS (Liliaceae)
L08-160. Asphodelus microcarpus (Masca, Tenerife)#

ASTROLOBA (Liliaceae)
L08-161. Astroloba pentagona JL157 (also 50 seeds)

BOWIEA (Liliaceae)
L08-162. Bowiea volubilis ND+BUG

BULB sp (Liliaceae/Iridaceae/Hyacinthaceae)
L08-163. †Bulbe sp JL3857 (N. Kommagas, RSA)#
L08-164. Bulbe sp JL (Masca, Tenerife)#
L08-165. †Bulbe sp ‘strelitzioides’ (N. Kommagas, RSA)#
L08-166. Bulbe sp JAA555 (E. Lambert’s Bay, RSA)#
L08-167. Bulbe sp BEY (Iridaceae)

BULBINE (Liliaceae / Asphodelaceae)
L08-168. Bulbine alooides JAA (also 50 seeds)
L08-169. Bulbine annua ND+EA (also 50 seeds)
L08-170. †Bulbine caulescens GX (yellow-orange fl.)
L08-171. †Bulbine frutescens JCD
L08-172. Bulbine lagopus JAA
L08-173. †Bulbine sedifolia JAA234 (Carolusberg, RSA)#
L08-174. NEW! †Bulbine semibarbata AH
L08-175. Bulbine vitrea JL2985 (Carolusberg, RSA)#
L08-176. Bulbine sp JL S. Calvinia (RSA)#
L08-177. †Bulbine ? sp JAA640 Nuwerus (RSA)#
L08-178. Bulbine sp Koegab, (RSA)# BEY

CYRTANTHUS (Amaryllidaceae)
L08-179. NEW! Cyrtanthus brachyscyphus BUG

DIPCADI (Liliaceae/Hyacinthaceae)
L08-180. Dipcadi serotinum ssp. fulvum JL8923 (Arrieta, Lanzarote)# (alos 50 seeds)
L08-181. Dipcadi viride BEY (RSA)#
L08-182. Dipcadi sp JE

L08-183. Eriospermum? sp JL2983 (Carolusberg, RSA)#

GASTERALOE (Liliaceae)
L08-184. Gasteraloe bicolor x viguieri JAA

GASTERIA (Liliaceae)
L08-185. Gasteria acinacifolia JL5937 (géante!) (also 50 seeds)
L08-186. Gasteria (nitida v.) armstrongii JL366+JAA (also 50 seeds)
L08-187. Gasteria (bicolor v.) liliputana JL373+GX (also 50 seeds)
L08-188. Gasteria (bicolor v.) caespitosa JL368
L08-189. Gasteria candicans v. glabrata JL370
L08-190. Gasteria conspicua JL369 (also 50 seeds)
L08-191. Gasteria ellaphiae JAA +AS (Paul Sayer Dam, Type location)# (also 50 seeds) RARE
L08-192. Gasteria ellaphiae EJV11150 (Kouga Dam, RSA)# (also 50 seeds) RARE
L08-193. Gasteria excelsa JAA (also 50 seeds)
L08-194. NEW! Gasteria glauca JAA
L08-195. Gasteria glomerata PR+BUG (also 50 seeds)
L08-196. Gasteria pillansii JAA+JL (Bullhouer, RSA)# (also 50 seeds)
L08-197. Gasteria pulchra JL+PR
L08-198. Gasteria pulchra JAA (E. Hankey, RSA)#
L08-199. Gasteria trigona JL378 (also 50/500 seeds)
L08-200. Gasteria (carinata) v. verrucosa JL379 (also 50 seeds)
L08-201. Gasteria (carinata) v. verrucosa f. major JL380 (50 seeds)
L08-202. Gasteria vlokii JAA
L08-203. Gasteria sp JL01/364 (almost glabrous)
L08-204. Gasteria bicolor X excelsa JAA (also 50 seeds)
L08-205. Gasteria excelsa X bicolor JAA
L08-206. Gasteria Xverrucosa GX (also 50/500 seeds)

L08-207. HAWORTHIA (Liliaceae) (possible, involuntary hybridization, from hundred years old collection, Botanical Garden of Nantes, France from the plants with JL access code. However pure clones of the plants – and more species not listed here- maybe obtained through KAKTITOS at the [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] website) (see also end of list)
L08-208. †Haworthia altilinea JL409 ONLY ONE PACKET!
L08-209. Haworthia asperula JL411 (the real one!) (collected about 1850)
L08-210. Haworthia attenuata v. britteniae JL414 (also 50 seeds)
L08-211. Haworthia attenuata v. clariperla JL415
L08-212. †Haworthia bolusii v. blackbeardiana JAA (S.E. Catheart, RSA)#
L08-213. Haworthia chloracantha v. denticulifera JL418 (also 50 seeds)
L08-214. Haworthia cooperi GX+ JAA
L08-215. Haworthia cymbiformis v. compacta JL427
L08-216. Haworthia emelyae JAA
L08-217. NEW! †Haworthia fasciata JL
L08-218. Haworthia fasciata v. browniana JL435 (also 50 seeds)
L08-219. †Haworthia fasciata v. concolor JL5938
L08-220. Haworthia glabrata JL436 (also 50 seeds)
L08-221. Haworthia glauca v. armstrongii JL437
L08-222. NEW! †Haworthia herbacea JL
L08-223. Haworthia X kuentzii JL442 (also 50 seeds)
L08-224. NEW! †Haworthia limifolia JL ONLY ONE PACKET!
L08-225. Haworthia marumiana v. batesiana JL416 (also 50 seeds)
You want to know how the plants look? No problems, get the Cactaceae & Succulentae Encyclopaedia DVD!
L08-226. Haworthia minima (margaretifera f.) JL448 (also 50 seeds)
L08-227. NEW! †Haworthia mirabilis v. mundula JL
L08-228. Haworthia mucronata v. habdomadis RB23-2 ( also 50 seeds)
L08-229. Haworthia pumila JAA (Bonniesvale, RSA)#
L08-230. †Haworthia pygmaea JL569 TRES PETITE QUANTITE
L08-231. Haworthia reticulata v. hurlingii JL469 (also 50 seeds)
L08-232. Haworthia subrigida JL475 (also 50 seeds)
L08-233. Haworthia transluscens JL479 (also 50 seeds)
L08-234. †Haworthia turgida JL640
L08-235. Haworthia venosa (tessellata) JL
L08-236. Haworthia venosa (tessellata) v. parva JL477 (50 seeds)
L08-237. Haworthia sp JL401/03 (aff. fasciata, light green yellowish leaves)
L08-238. Haworthia sp JL403/05
L08-239. Haworthia sp JL406/08 (aff. fasciata)

HOMERIA (Iridaceae)
L08-240. Homeria (Moraea) ochroleuca BEY (RSA)# (also 100 seeds)
L08-241. Homeria aff. schlechteri JL3450 (5km E. Alexander Bay,

LACHENALIA (Liliaceae/Hyacinthaceae)
L08-242. Lachenalia alba BEY (RSA)# (also 50 seeds)
L08-243. †Lachenalia hirta BEY
L08-244. Lachenalia liliiflora BEY
L08-245. Lachenalia matthewsii BEY (RSA)#
L08-246. Lachenalia namaquensis BEY (RSA)#
L08-247. Lachenalia orchioides v. glaucina JAA
L08-248. †Lachenalia purpureo-coerula BEY (RSA)#
L08-249. Lachenalia reflexa BEY (also 50 seeds)
L08-250. Lachenalia roodeae KV
L08-251. Lachenalia rubida JE
L08-252. Lachenalia undulata KV
L08-253. Lachenalia sp JL (Carolusberg, RSA)# (also 50 seeds)
L08-254. Lachenalia sp JAA639 (O. Calvinia, RSA)# (also 50 seeds)
L08-255. Lachenalia sp JL (E. Beauvallon, RSA)# (aslso 50 seeds)

L08-256. Lomatophyllum citreum JL436+PR (also 50 seeds)
L08-257. Lomatophyllum occidentale PR (also 50 seeds)
L08-258. Lomatophyllum prostratum GH (ex Uhlig)
L08-259. Lomatophyllum tormentorii AJ+Lavr. (Ile Maurice)

MASSONIA (Liliaceae)
L08-260. Massonia depressa JAA243 (Lekkersing, RSA)#
L08-261. Massonia depressa JL+BEY (Nigramoep, RSA)# (also 50 seeds)
L08-262. NEW! Massonia depressa JAA907 (10km. N. Clanwilliam, RSA)# (also 50 seeds)
L08-263. NEW! Massonia depressa JAA942 (Nieuwoudwille, RSA)#

L08-264. Ornithogalum caudatum JL586 (Also 50 seeds)
L08-265. Ornithogalum graminifolium DMC9802 (S.E. Stutterheim, RSA)#
L08-266. Ornithogalum longibracteatum PFO (also 50 seeds)
L08-267. Ornithogalum maculatum KV
L08-268. †Ornithogalum suaveolens BEY (Langebaan, RSA)#
L08-269. Ornithogalum thyrsoides KV

SCILLA (Liliaceae)
L08-270. Scilla latifolia (fl. violettes) (San Andres, Tenerife)#
L08-271. Scilla pauciflora BUG

VELTHEIMIA (Liliaceae)
L08-272. Veltheimia bracteata BUG+COR (also 50/500 seeds)

L08-273. †Whiteheadia bifolia BS (RSA)#

Many exotic species are also pictured in the DVD Cactaceae & Succulentae Encyclopaedia (23,000 photos!)
L08-274. Agapanthus africanus JL+GX Fl. mauve (Liliaceae) (also 100 seeds)
L08-275. Agapanthus praecox ssp. minimus AJ (also 100 seeds)
L08-276. †Agapanthus umbellatus ND (Liliaceae)
L08-277. Anomatheca laxa BEY (RSA)# (Iridaceae) red fl.
L08-278. Asphodelus aestivus JL (Cuevas del Almanzora, Spain)# (Asphodelaceae = Liliaceae)
L08-279. Asphodelus tenuifolius JL (Cuevas del Almanzora,
Spain)# (Asphodelaceae = Liliaceae)
L08-280. Asphodelus tenuifolius ND (Asphodelaceae = Liliaceae)
L08-281. †Babiana rubrocyanea BEY (RSA)# (Iridaceae)
L08-282. Cyrtanthus mackenii AJ+JE (Natal, Transkei)#
L08-283. Dietes grandiflora AJ (Iridaceae)
L08-284. Dietes iridioides AJ (Cape, RSA)# (Iridaceae) (also
100/1000 seeds)
L08-285. Eucomis bicolor ND (Liliaceae) “Plante ananas” (also 100 seeds)
L08-286. Galtonia candicans ND (Liliaceae)
L08-287. Geissothiza imbricata BEY (RSA)# (Iridaceae)
L08-288. Gladiolus carneus BEY (RSA)# (Iridaceae)
L08-289. Hedychium gardnerianum JE (Liliaceae)
L08-290. Hippeastrum hybride GX (Amaryllidaceae) (also 50/500 seeds)
L08-291. †Homeria ochroleuca BEY (RSA)# (Iridaceae)
L08-292. †Homeria sp blue fl. BEY ( RSA)# (Iridaceae) (also 100 seeds)
L08-293. Ipheion uniflorum ‘Froyle Mill’ JE (Liliaceae)
L08-294. Iris sysirinchium JL (Cuevas del Almanzora, Spain)# (Iridaceae)
L08-295. Kniphofia uvaria DS (Liliaceae)
L08-296. Lapeirousia sp JB (RSA)# (Iridaceae)
L08-297. Littonia modesta JE (Liliaceae) (also 50 seeds)
L08-298. Pancratium maritimum JL (Cabo de Gata, Spain)# (also 50 seeds)
L08-299. †Romulea khamiesensis BEY (RSA)# (Iridaceae)
L08-300. Sandersonia aurantiaca JE (Liliaceae)
L08-301. Schizostylis coccinea ‘Professor Barnard’ JE (Liliaceae) (also 50 seeds)
L08-302. †Sparaxis bulbifera BEY (RSA)# (Iridaceae)
L08-303. NEW! Stenomesson coccineum MCA (San Jeronimo de Surco, Peru)# (Amaryllidaceae) fl. orange
L08-304. Synnotia bicolor BEY (RSA)# (Iridaceae)
L08-305. Urginea maritime JL (Cuevas del Almanzora, Spain)# (Liliaceae) (also 100 seeds)
L08-306. †Vallotia purpurea JL (Liliaceae)
L08-307. †Velthemia bracteata BUG (Liliaceae) (miniature)
L08-308. Velthemia capensis JE (Liliaceae)
RARE or CITES 1: 1,50Euros 10 seeds.
The CITES 1 seeds are by artificial propagation)

ALOE (Liliaceae)
L08-309. †Aloe austroarabica J.Miller (Wadi Muraba, Saudi Arabia)#
L08-310. †Aloe betsileensis J.Miller (E. Ihosy, Madagascar)#
L08-311. Aloe bowiea JL86 et al. (Port Elizabeth, RSA)# + JAA
L08-312. NEW! †Aloe descoingsii JL CITES1
L08-313. Aloe erythrophylla J.Miller (S. Col d’Itremo, Madagascar)#
L08-314. Aloe haworthioides GX
L08-315. NEW! †Aloe musapana J. Miller
L08-316. NEW! †Aloe porphyrostachys ssp. koenenii (Petra, Jordan)# Discovery JL 1985 red flowers (par 5 seeds) 1,50Euros
L08-317. †Aloe scobinifolia Lavr. (Erigavo, Somalia)#
L08-318. †Aloe wildii J. Miller (Chimanimani Mts, Zimbabwe)#

This seed list is valid to the end of December 2008 only.

Please send all orders to:
Joël Lodé, Desert Springs, Villaricos,
04618 Cuevas del Almanzora, SPAIN (AL)
Tel/Fax: (00.34) 950.45.84.34
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
e-mail: [link widoczny dla zalogowanych]

Payment by credit card is recommended.
Please ensure:
Your order is listed in catalogue order -number, genus, species.
You specify for each species the number of packets required,
€ price per packet and total € due for each item
and the total for all items.
You quote your credit card number, expiry date and give
your name exactly as on the card.
The DVD may also be ordered at the same time if you wish.

Most of the species on this seed list are illustrated on the DVD
Cactaceae & Succulentae Encyclopaedia (in English, Spanish & Fench)
+23,000 photos!

Please order the DVD on the seed order form & state language version required. Price €41.00

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Sob 15:00, 23 Lut 2008 Zobacz profil autora
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